Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Yup...still boring in blog-land!

BUT we're moving forward on the waiting list, and there has been much positive activity within our agency. We're relatively high on the waiting list now, which could mean a call tomorrow or four months from tomorrow! In Ethiopia, the courts close for portions of August through early October, so no cases are heard and referral activity slows down a bit. Please be thinking of the Ethiopia families that received their referrals and are hoping to get through court before the closure and our friends who had their final hearing in Taiwan and leave to pick up their new son in less than two weeks!!


Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Make sure you keep that minivan in good repair, cause you're gonna need it :)

Anonymous said...

Jim & Kathy--We love you guys and have been praying for the perfect kids that were meant for your family! They are going to be so---incredibly lucky to have you (and Mark & Tessa)!!