Monday, November 17, 2008

How the time flies!!!!

If you look over at our handy-dandy sidebar time line, you'll see that Saturday marked one year on the waiting list. While that sounds like a long time, the prospect of being close to a referral is pretty hard to grasp, too. The Ethiopian courts have reopened, but there have not been any travel groups announced. There are now 63 children matched with families that are waiting to travel. Many of those referrals have come in the last month, and have included many babies and homes for many older children waiting for families. We could be matched tomorrow, or it could be a few more months. Knowing the challenges children must endure to become part of the adoption system certainly keep that wait in perspective, and we pray for all of them and their biological families for those tough times. We know that when we add to our family, it will be part of a way bigger plan and are thankful for our part in that.

Since our home study is over a year old, we've been in the process of making a few updates. That includes some forms, fingerprints and completing a classroom session for adoptive parents. Jim and I went to Chicago for that on Friday, and we did enjoy talking with other adoptive families, many of whom are just starting their journey.

As for Mark and Tessa...we'll need more than a few minutes and for sure some photos to do them justice!! They are doing very well, and we look forward to sharing their adventures real soon.

1 comment:

Alan said...

Hi, how's it going? Stop by our blog and say hi.