Thursday, April 16, 2009

Congratulations and compassion

So Trivial Thursday might turn into Frivolous Friday...we shall see :)

What I do know is this...Kim, Steve, Cady and Jake officially have two more members in their family! I was so excited to hear that they passed court and are now waiting to solidify their travel date. Visit them at to read about their adventures. While we've corresponded with some new families via the internet, Kim and her family actually live in the neighboring town and we have known each other since before these specific journeys to Ethiopia "officially" began. I feel really blessed to be able to share this with her, whether it is managing the wait and the challenges, celebrating the milestones such as this or contemplating an Old Navy mix-and-match travel ensemble.

Tonight I showed the Hanson kids picture to Mark and Tessa and they asked to see their sisters again. We prayed for them and I asked them if there was anything that they wished their sisters knew about them. Tessa very seriously said that she wanted her sisters to know that she would be nice to them. She later added that she wanted them to know she would be the best sister ever. Mark, who is generally pretty insightful, wanted them to know that he did not, in fact, have a real light saber so they did not need to be scared about coming to our home :) He also wanted them to know that there are not monsters here, and that we would have enough food for them. Jim and I are so grateful for the children and the compassion they have for others and their eagerness to welcome sisters into our family!

NOTE: I'm writing down all the nice things they say now so I can recite them when the turf wars start over Barbie dolls and action figures!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This post made me cry!! This entire adventure has just been so incredible and I am so thankful that we have each other...and that our KIDS will have each other too! Thanks for being you and for being so sweet! xoxoxo