Friday, April 3, 2009

More Melton GIRLS!!!

We are so excited to have accepted a referral for two girls (age 3 1/2 and age 2)! Here's how the call went down:

So the Tuesday of Spring Break (March 24), the kids and I started out our day by taking Mark to the dentist, a quick Jamba Juice "way to be good at the dentist, buddy" post-appointment briber and a venture into Super Target for a birthday gift. We got home and had a little time to hang out with Jim and play before Tessa's ballet class. At some point, Jim ended up on his cell phone with his sister and Mark and Tessa were playing together. So our home phone starts ringing, and I, the adoption phone stalker of well over a year, walked up the stairs, away from the ringing phone, without a second thought. You see, Jim adjusted our home phone plan because we don't use it terribly often, and we no longer have caller ID. I figured it was Johnny Refinance or the Fraternal Order of Somebody and really never thought that would be "it". Didn't even enter my mind...

So I happen to hear Jim say, "Hi, Erica." Now I do have Erica friends, but when I heard this I practically slid down the railing to get back downstairs to see if it was "Erica- Wide Horizons Case Manager" and it WAS her. Jim is kind of shaking his head, and I'm all in his face asking if it is "Erica Erica" and if it is kids. The head shaking continues and he informs her that his wife is two inches from his face and will continue to interrupt and ask questions every time either one of them makes a sound, so he is going to give her the phone. Who me??? Of course, me! So I say hello to Erica and she tells me to get a piece of paper and a pencil because she has good news. I've read that line in a jillion other people's referral blog posts and was stunned that it was now our turn to spaz out in an attempt to locate one piece of stinkin' paper in this whole house....but we found it, she told us about our new daughters and let us know that we should check our e-mail as soon as we got off the phone.

We are so fortunate to have received several pictures of them, but are not able to post those pictures here until we pass court. We also received medical reports and social histories which we sent on to our doctor. After our phone conference with him on Monday morning, we accepted the referral formally and told Mark and Tessa about their new sisters!!

Thanks so much to those of you that have supported us during this portion of the wait!! We are so excited to share this good news!!


Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So what does the timeline on this look like? Or is that a silly and crazy question? I am SO excited for you. We will be praying that everything goes smoothly. Hugs from all of us in TX!

Laura said...

What joy! So thrilled for you! It is finally your turn. Best Wishes to your family.

InventingLiz said...

Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the story here. I'm making a note to myself to always have a piece of paper and a pencil with me at all times when it gets closer to my referral time!

Evelyn said...

Congratulations, Kathy! I was wondering where you were hiding :) So glad you got some good news!

Unknown said...

YAY!!! Congrats to the Melton Clan!! The boys are WAY outnumbered now! You may as well paint your house pink! :P I am really looking forward to sharing this journey together and can't wait to start shopping!