Monday, February 23, 2009

Just thinkin'....

So it is 5:33 p.m. in Oswego-land, which means it is 6:33 on the East Coast AND it is Monday AND we haven't received the weekly update yet which prompts that weekly flurry of questions in my "wow, this could actually happen soon, but I don't want to be excited 'cause it could still be a while, but it could be soon" head....

Is someone getting a referral right NOW and that's why they haven't sent it yet? Are they looking up someone's phone number right now to give the good news? Are they looking up MY phone number? Is MY phone ringing at home and Jim is not answering because he is engrossed in a game of "Barbie v. the Clone Troopers"?? Are any of my blog friends getting their referrals right now? Has there been a dramatic increase in the number of posts on the Yahoo! board??

And then, just like that, I click on the other window, check my e-mail and there it is- the update! More families did pass court, which was not expected this week and is totally awesome, and there have still been no referrals for February, which is in the normal range but could also mean some are bound to happen soon.


Evelyn said...

Funny, I have had those same feelings. Sadly, I don't have the energy to hope that much these days! Reality, though, is that you and I are both going to get a referral one day and I can't wait to share all about it. Thanks for keeping the hope going.

InventingLiz said...

This is what it's like, my brain goes into overdrive at the end of the work day on Mondays, wondering when that darn update is going to show up! I don't know why - it's not like that's how I'm going to find out about my referral - but something about getting any sort of information puts me on the edge of my seat.

Evelyn said...

Looks like the person with the wait date after me and before you got a sibling referral. Waaah! I guess the good news is that the next sibling pair is either yours or mine!

OR was it by any chance you that got a referral? If so, that would make me feel better!

Is this our week?

Evelyn said...

Hey, Kathy,

What's happening your way? Hope all is well.